Many patients showed common tendency to have long distress since teenage. They had three major difficult situations which are incomprehensibility of cause, absence of effectivetreatment methods and not being able to receive adequate diagnosis and treatment. Many of them held the trouble of halitosis by themselves without consulting with anyone.They sensed variety of abnormal intraoral disorders, e.g. stickiness, xerostomia and tongue disorders. In addition to worry about their malodor, they also worried about the suspicious behaviors and expressions of others, e.g. covering ones nose by ones hand, making room and turning ones face away. Most patients believed that they must had oral malodor with integral judgment mentioned above.Many of them held the trouble of halitosis by themselves without consulting with anyone, because they were usually ashamed of halitosis and difficult to talk about it to even their family. If they ever consult their family one day, they would receive such an answer I never sensed your breath. Dont mind. They also might received an answer Indeed I sense a slight malodor. But you don;t need to worry about it, because anybody could have such malodor. However they couldnt accept these comments and advice, because they obviously conformed their halitosis. After they consult with others once they were getting to worry alone.Self-recognizing halitosis has a variety of features as mentioned above. A long persistent suffering period is also a key point. It gives pain to the patients and makes them worried. Female, elder age, an early onset of halitosis and anxiety of behavior of others as making room extended the suffering period significantly.